
Your column, "The loser," in our May issue is one of the finest columns S&VC has ever published.  I myself have argued this point with colleagues many times, often forlornly, saying to contractors, "Don't complain to me of that other system that's not going to work.' If it's not going to work, you'll have another bite at the same apple in a couple of years."

You have added to my own thinking a new idea truly worth the price of admission: volunteer to see the customer receives what he's paying for.  This is great stuff!

Ted Uzzle, Editor

S&VC Magazine

I find your articles regarding "The Business of Business" very useful.  I am always looking for ways to run my busines a little better and S&VC has helped me a great deal. 

S&VC Reader via a "Feedback" card.

I wanted to drop you a note and tell you how much I enjoyed your article in Systems Contractor News.  Planning was always missing in the companies I have worked for in the past.  It is now a very important part of our corporate culture here at BCG. I hope to have the opportunity to meet you one day.

Merry McCleary

We have received ten reader service cards praising your column "Cold Calls" in the August issue of S&VC.  This is the largest number of responses from readers we have ever received about a single column.  Congratulations!

         Fred Ampel, Editor

         S&VC Magazine